Officers in charge of Centro Cristiano “MAHANAIM” – LÍDERES
President / founder – Dr. Oswaldo S. Velásquez
5033 South 7Th. Rd. Arlington Virginia 22204.
Treasurer – Oswaldo S. Velásquez Jr.
Secretary / Board Member – Olga Velásquez
3806 El Camino Place. Alexandria Virginia 22301
Business Information Numbers
Federal Government Non profit status authorization Number
#. 17053273307004. 170 (b) (1) (A) (i).
Commonwealth of Vrginia State Corporation Commission SSC ID No. 0755653=3 under name of CENTRO CRISTIANO MAHANAIM.
Employer Identification Number 46-0924620
Presentation Letter
With the Vision of creating:
- Mahanaim Christian Center Head Quarters (in USA).
- Mahanaim Camp of God (in Guatemala).
The mission is to Educate and provide a skill to rural / urban areas pastors and ministers who already are preaching and serving in the God’s works, to better support themselves and families.
Education consisting of subjects as:
- Biblical studies, ( Main Subject ).
- Biblical Institute.
- New York Biblical Institute.
- Luis Palau Biblical Institute.
- LOGOS Christian University.
- Biblical Institute.
- English (second Language).
- Skill .
- Other skills to expand with the growth of the mission.
- General Studies.
- Mathematics.
- Science.
- Physical Education ( Sports ).
- Foot ball Soccer.
- Volley Ball.
- Track & field. Sports.
Under the Mission an Vision of “MAHANAIM “ Christian Center is to work together with other Ministries and Organizations to provide community services such as:
- Biblical Crusades and Campaigns.
- Medical campaigns and programs Such as:
- Dental
- Eyes / ophthalmology
- Clinics & general Medicine
- Food programs
- Infants
- Children
- Clothes donation
- Such as “ EBENEZER “ Ministries.
- Community Educational Programs.
- Youth.
- Arts & crafts.
- Planning and opportunities.
- Women
- House development
- Skills for self supporting.
- Sewing.
- Floral design
- Others to grow according to demand & local necessities.
- Youth.
It is the Vision and Mission of “Centro Cristiano MAHANAIM” to reach this goal with the “Help and Donations” of philanthropist entities, organizations and persons like yourself, of good heart, to help us to reach this Vision and Mission.
Remember is better to give than to receive, and the Lord God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus His begotten Son (on God we rest to achieve this Goal) will always bless you for your helping hand and cooperation toward the reaching of this Vision Mission of “MAHANAIM” Christian Center.
May The Lord Bless You. Amen.